Tag Archives: Casey Sacco
End of a Trilogy, Or Is It? New City Players’ The Last Christmas
New City Players; premiere The Last Christmas by Tyler Johnson Grimes is the supposed final installment in a trilogy of annual holiday comedies revolving around radio station WNCP in Fort Lauderdale. It’s Christmas Eve, 1999, and a little thing by the name of Y2K is on everyone’s mind, but before the employees have to worry about that, they must make it through this night first.
Take a Ride on A Streetcar Named Desire With the New City Players
By Britin Haller Arguably one of the greatest dramatic plays in American theatrical history, and certainly of its time, A Streetcar Named Desire has rolled onto the Island City Stage with a bang. Timothy Mark Davis, the producing artistic director …
New City Players Tackles a ‘Magical’ Streetcar Named Desire
By Aaron Krause “South Florida is going to really sink its teeth into something that is going to be magical, musical, and monumental,” award-winning South Florida director Stuart Meltzer enthuses. And New City Players’ (NCP) Producing Artistic Director Tim …
Zoetic’s Cabaret a game changer
By Oline Cogdill When the John Kander/Fred Ebb musical Cabaret opened on Broadway in 1966, it was a gamechanger in its staging, tone and story. Certainly, other musicals tackled politics in specific eras—such as Sound of Music (1959) and …
NCP’s Little Montgomery Morphs From Cute Comedy To Exam of the Human Comedy
New City Players’ Little Montgomery starts as a satisfyingly cute summer chuckle of a comedy, but morphs into a deeper examination of human beings struggling awkwardly to cope with the word “family.”
One More Yesterday Deserves Many More Tomorrows
The musical One More Yesterday may see it itself as a work in progress, but enfold yourself in this humorous, tuneful and heartfelt work, especially to savor Angie Radosh giving yet another superb performance.
Complex Modern Relationships X-rayed In Island City’s “I Wanna F%&ing Tear You Apart”
The strength and vulnerability of non-sexual but emotionally intimate friendships are not focuses in 20th Century theater. But in works written by a new generation of playwrights, these relationships are increasingly in the spotlight. Such is I Wanna Fucking Tear You Apart, a dive into the deterioration of the bond of two would-be writers.
Ethics, People Are Dispensable In Hnath’s Scathing Red Speedo
A tattoo of a sea serpent is playwright Lucas Hnath’s damning metaphor for the grip of ambition to the point that betrayal of anyone is an accepted expedient in the scathing Red Speedo from producer Ronnie Larsen at The Foundry. Using competitive sports as a milieu, Hnath depicts people willing to violate moral codes and personal loyalties in pursuit of the American Dream — as ingrained today as it was when Arthur Miller decried it in 1949.
LGBTQIA Shorts Gone Wild 6 Comes Up A Little Short
No one could accuse the cast of Shorts Gone Wild 6 of being low energy. They spend the production’s interstitial moments cartwheeling, performing splits, engaging in slapdash chicken dances, telling jokes, winking through bawdy double entendres. But most of the plays are less memorable than their spirited introductions.