Tag Archives: Million Dollar Quartet
Wick’s Million Dollar Quartet Is Still Worth Every Penny
As the Wick Theatre’s electric production of Million Dollar Quartet powers through the last four numbers, it’s easy to imagine that the sun never sets anywhere in the world where this musical isn’t playing. This current visit of Elvis, Carl, Johnny, and Jerry Lee is just as rousing as you remember from its opening blast of “Blue Suede Shoes.”
Million Dollar Quartet’s Reprise At Actors’ Rocks Once Again
So…what do Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis have in store for an encore in Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre’s much-anticipated return engagement of Million Dollar Quartet? The foursome has re-created sounds that seem more crisp and controlled, without losing the vibrancy and electricity audiences ate up during the 2016 production.
Million Dollar Quartet Has A Whole Of Shakin ‘ Goin’ On
They may not look like their counterparts, but they sure sound like them. They’ve got the moves, the stylings and so much rock ‘n roll energy you’ll feel like you’re at a concert rather than the theater. Indeed, whether it’s tribute or jukebox, the musical Million Dollar Quartet at Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach is sure to entertain
Curtain Up On The 2017-2018 South Florida Theater Season
If you know where to look, certainly you can find reliable warhorse titles in the upcoming theater season in South Florida, but it’s easier to find vibrant, contemporary and challenging offerings.
Playhouse’s Million Dollar Quartet Kicks Out The Jams
It almost should go without saying that the rock ’n’ roll blisters the paint off the walls of Actors’ Playhouse’s balcony theater in its thoroughly satisfying edition of Million Dollar Quartet.
Million Dollar Quartet Rocks The House: Four Musical Legends Come to Life
The roots of rock and roll are encapsulated in Million Dollar Quartet, a rollicking yet poignant musical about one historic night in Memphis when four country boys turned icons sang and played their way into history.
Don’t Bother Knocking, This House Is Rocking
If Boomers wondered why their parents feared rock ’n’ roll, Million Dollar Quartet provides a visceral object lesson of the exhilarating danger, galvanizing defiance and the electrifying sexuality of rhythm and blues. No record, no film, nothing captures the insolent immediacy of the gauntlet that rock threw in the face of the Eisenhower Era so well as some of the live performances in this road show at the Arsht Center.